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  • At the Institute of Economy RAS a set of papers of the international conference "Economic and Humanitarian Co-operation between Russia and Czechia – New Perspectives" was published.

Economic and Humanitarian Co-operation between Russia and Czechia – New Perspectives. Editor-in-Chief M.O.Kopytina. — Moscow, IE RAS, 2007. — 345p.

The following material are the proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference conference "Economic and Humanitarian Co-operation between Russia and Czechia, New Perspectives", held October 16-17, 2006 in Moscow. This conference has been jointly organized by the following institutions - Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State University of Economics Prague (College of Economics), Czech Chamber of Commerce for the countries of the GUS, National Council for Investments, International Investment Bank. The conference was supported by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation.

The full text (in Russian) is available on-line:
Economic and Humanitarian Co-operation between Russia and Czechia, New Perspectives (pdf, 3,4 MB).

Journal "The World of Transformations" Журнал Мир перемен

NewThe next issue of the Journal "The World of Transformations", 2018, N 3 is preparing to be published.

Moscow, Presidium of the RAS,
October 28-29, 2010

Location map


NewSet of Research Papers