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  • At the Institute of Economy RAS the scientific paper "The Korean Peninsula: a Challenge for the Russian Regional Strategy in the 21st Century" by Ph.D. (Econ.) Marina Ye.Trigubenko and Dr. (Econ.), Prof. Georgy D.Toloraya was published.

Trigubenko M.Ye., Toloraya G.D. The Korean Peninsula: a Challenge for the Russian Regional Strategy in the 21st Century — Moscow, IE RAS, 2008.— 44p.

In 2007 a breakthrough in the process of normalizing the situation on the Korean Peninsula has taken shape as a result of agreements attained during the Six-Party Talks. Time will show to what extent the outcomes of de-nuclearization are serious and the assurances of DPRK about fully renouncing its nuclear program firm.
Over more than half a century the Korean Peninsula has been one of the most explosive regions of the world and all major countries (USA, China, Japan and Russia included) have been involved into solving acute problems linked with DPRK's threat of nuclear blackmail.
The authors of the report tried to meticulously examine the position of the US. and other countries involved into the Korean conflict and present some constructive proposals to promote the role of Russian diplomacy in Korea at the present stage.

Journal "The World of Transformations" Журнал Мир перемен

NewThe next issue of the Journal "The World of Transformations", 2018, N 3 is preparing to be published.

Moscow, Presidium of the RAS,
October 28-29, 2010

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