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  • On March 27, 2008 the Centre of Political Studies held a round table "Post-Soviet Space: Realities and Perspectives" in the conference hall of the Department of International Economic and Political Studies RAS (DIEPS RAS).

In the course of the round table activities the following topics were discussed:

  • Political systems of new state formations
  • Socio-economic state structure models and their implementations in the CIS and the Baltic countries
  • Comparative typology of post-Soviet states’ development
  • Immanent signs of quasi-state and new political formations in post-Soviet space
  • National security problems for new states
  • Elite formation mechanism in the post-Soviet space
  • The problems of the Russian-speaking population within the context of new states’ political models
  • The impact of “color revolutions” on political processes in the Ukraine and Georgia
  • Unrecognized republics’ phenomenon. Is it time to recognize them?

Photo-report and press-release of the round table were published in the "National interests" magazine, No 2, 2008.

Detailed information on the round table will be published in the third issue of the "National Interests" magazine.

Journal "The World of Transformations" Журнал Мир перемен

NewThe next issue of the Journal "The World of Transformations", 2018, N 3 is preparing to be published.

Moscow, Presidium of the RAS,
October 28-29, 2010

Location map


NewSet of Research Papers