Rambler's Top100
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  • Asia - 2003: East Asian Region and Russia.8,5 quires.
  • Bykov A.N. Challenges of Globalization and Perspectives of the Eurasian Integration (Questions of the Russian Foreign Economic Strategy). 5,2 quires
  • Central and East European Countries in 2003: Outcomes of Socio-Economic and Political Development. Executive editor N.V.Kulikova. 14,2 quires
  • Chubarova T. Public Íealth Management Education and Training: Russia. In: Health Care Delivery Systems: Opportunities for Public Management Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. by A.Rosenbaum, J. Nemec, K. Tolo, NISPAcee.
  • Chubarova T.V. (in co-authorship) Social Policy: a Gender Aspect. Moscow, Olita
  • Chubarova T. Social Policy and Health Care Reform in Russia. In: G.Hinterregger, H.-G. Heinrich (eds.) Russia—Continuity and Change. Wien, New York, Springer. Evstigneev R.N. Subfederal Aspects of Globalization: Russia’s Experience. 1,4 quires
  • Economic Space of EurAzES: Factors and Limits of Integration. 12,0 quires
  • Gerbova A.A. External Economic Relations of Mongolia under Transition to Market Economy (Late 90ss - Beginning of XXI Century). 6,0 quires.
  • Glinkina S.P. Research Approaches to Assessing Shadow Economy Scale and its Impact on the Country’s National Security. 4,8 quires
  • Glinkina S.P. Shadow Economy: Myths and Realities. Report presented at session of the RAS Social Sciences Section. M., Security of Eurasia, 2004, No 2 (16) . 1,0 quires.
  • Glinkina S.P. The Perspectives of Formation of Common European Space. Report presented at St. Petersburg Economic Forum on June 16-18, 2004. 1,0 quires.
  • Grinberg R.S. (in co-authorship) Regional Behavior of State under Conditions of Mixed Economy: Theoretical and Methodological Problems. In: Russian in Globalizing World. Moscow, Nauka, 2004.
  • Grinberg R.S., Kosikova L.S. Is the Formation of Common Economic Space Possible in the CIS Framework. Moscow, Unity for Russia (Edinstvo vo imya Rossii) Foundation
  • Housing Reform as a Problem of the Social Policy. 7,4 quires.
  • Kosikova L.S. Contemporary Tendencies and Integration Perspectives within the Framework of Common Economic Space, Moscow, World Policy Foundation. 4,5 quires Kuzmina E.M. (in co-authorship) Regional Aspects of International Relations. Tashkent. 3,0 quires
  • Lebedev A.E. Financial Globalization: Basic Overview and Challenges for Russia. 4,0 quires
  • Luchkina L.S. Housing Sector in Transtional Economies. 3,7 quires.
  • Problems of the Post-Soviet Countries. Issue 6: Economic Space of the EurAsEC: Factors and Limits of Integration. Executive editor L.B.Vardomsky. 12,0 quires
  • Russia and Central-Eastern Europe: Transformations at the Turn of the 21st Century. 19,0 quires
  • Russia and the CEE Countries: Reopening Mutual Markets. Executive editor S.P.Glinkina. 13,2 quires
  • Sedov S.A. New Forms of Risks Distribution: From Macroeconomics to Banking Sector. 2,1 quires
  • Sedov S.A. Shadow Economy as a Part of Global Economic System. 15,0 quires
  • Silvestrov S.N. Globalization: Political and Economic Challenges for Russia: Russia in Globalising World. Political and Economic Essays. Moscow, Nauka. 1,0 quires
  • Socio-economic Models in Contemporary World and Russia’s Way. Editor-in-chief K.I.Mikulsky. Moscow, Economika. 45,0 quires
  • Strategic Reference Points of Russia’s Development in the Globalizing Economic Space. Responsible editor S.A. Sitaryan. 15,0 quires
  • The Consequences of European Union Expansion for Russia’s Economy. Editor-in-chief S.P.Glinkina. Moscow, National Investment Council. 4,0 quires
  • Vardomsky L.B. (in co-authorsip). Regional Studies. Moscow, Unity-Dana. 7,0 quires
  • Vardomsky L.B., Savostina L.S. Contemporary Political and Socio-Economic Processes in the Baltic States. Moscow, MSU. 11 printed quires
  • Yazkova A.A. Instability Arch in Mediterranean-Caspian Region: Self-Proclaimed Territories between Russia and Europe. Round table materials. Moscow, The Institute of Europe RAS. 3,0 quires







Bilateral Cooperation of the CIS Countries: Contemporary Situation, New Opportunities. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005.
The present set of research papers describes contemporary situation and new opportunities of the CIS countries’ bilateral cooperation. The authors emphasize the necessity to activate efforts oriented at developing this cooperation. Having regard to complex combined character of the existing and emerging problems within the framework of Russia-Commonwealth relations, it’s considered more effective to initiate their practical solution on bilateral basis.

Bykov A.N. Russia and the CIS: the Challenges of Globalization and Eurasian Integration Strategy. Moscow,IIEPS RAS, 2005.
Notes about the author
The monograph "Russia and the CIS: the Challenges of Globalization and Eurasian Integration Strategy" was written by one of distinguished experts of our Institute, Russian economist-researcher of international economic relations, Dr. (Econ.) Alexander N. Bykov. He started his career in the IIEPS RAS (then called the Institute for the Economy of World Socialist System) in 1969. Previously, he took part in battles at the fronts of the Great Patriotic war, studied at the Institute for Foreign Trade, was an officer of both the system of the Ministry for foreign trade in the Soviet Union and abroad, as well as of the COMECON Secretariat.
During his long academic life Alexander Naumovich published a lot of interesting works dealing with problems of international economic relations and integration processes. However, the most fruitful period in his research started perhaps, in 1990s, when he published a series of works dealing with the analysis of world financial system and the impact of globalization and regionalization on post-Soviet space and Russia as its central link. These publications were widely discussed. They are both profound and valuable, remaining both faithful to civil and professional principles and responsibility, at the same time.
I’m quite sure that the author’s reflections on the destiny of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States won’t leave academic community indifferent and would be useful for practical decision-making.

Director of IIEPS RAS, Professor Ruslan S. Grinberg

Eastern Asia Countries at the Threshold of the 21st Century: Development and Cooperation Strategy. Moscow, 2005.
The set of research papers, prepared by the Centre for Asian studies embraces articles by researchers and post-graduate students, dedicated to the analysis of East Asian countries’ development strategy: ASEAN, China, Vietnam in the 21st century and these countries’ research and production cooperation with Russia.
This paper is of interest for researchers and practical workers, whose interests are related with East Asian countries and Russia.

Eastern Asia: Dynamics, Tendencies, Problems. Moscow, 2005.
The set of papers includes articles by outstanding Russian scientists, post-graduate students of the Centre for Asian studies, covering different aspects of contemporary socio-economic, political development of East Asian countries, their relations with Russia, contemporary economic situation of Russian Far East and perspective international infrastructural projects of this region. The paper is written with involvement of the latest Russian and foreign sources and is of interest for scientists, experts and leaders of Russia and Asian states.

Economic Modernization and Foreign Economic Policy of Vietnam. Moscow, 2005.
The set of papers includes articles by Vietnamese scientists and postgraduate students from the Centre for Asian Studies, revealing the current tendencies and modernization problems of Vietnam’s economy under conditions of globalization and country’s participation in ASEAN regional integration.
The present paper is prepared with involvement of current sources from Vietnam and will be of interest for researchers, practical men and leaders of Vietnam and Russia.

Foreign Direct Investments in European Economies in Transition. Moscow, Nauka, 2005.
The authors of the monograph analyze the policy of Central and South-East European countries and Russia as regards foreign direct investments, its correlation to world practice of trans-border capital flows, capacity to utilize foreign investments for the purpose of accelerating economic transformations and development, wherever possible, without enclave formation in the foreign sector of economy.

Knyazev Yu.K. Social Market Economy and Its Formation in Post-Socialist Countries. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005.
The research paper proceeds from the so-far available elaborations of both foreign and Russian scientists, on the theory of social market economy, which has become so far one of promising directions in academic economic thought. These elaborations were critically reconsidered, in the outcome of which the author formulated his own methodological approaches and theoretical concepts on this rather extensive range of problems. Along with that, I digressed from comparatively reductive interpretation of "social market economy" notion as merely a social sphere of national economy and state social policy and expanded the understanding of social market economy so as to cover market and commodity production, initially being characterized, in my view, with social character, persisting and even increasing in advanced countries under conditions of present-day capitalist economy. This very broad interpretation explains equivalent attention, devoted in the paper to social aspects of market itself and market economy on the whole, to social sphere in its common perception, as well as to the problem of optimum combination of market and social principles in present-day economy.

Macroeconomic Indicators of Transition Economies in 2003: Comparative Characteristics. Editor-in-chief S.V. Kolchin. 7,2 quires
The main investigation directions include practically all the leading spheres of national economy: general macroeconomic developments, monetary, exchange rate and fiscal policies, investment activities, external trade. The particular feature of this publication is the integral quantitative estimation of transformation results (based on the IIEPS Index).

Role of Anti-Monopoly Policy in the Formation of Competitive Environment in Central and South-East European Countries. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005.
The work examines peculiarities of the formation of institutional basis for antimonopoly activities and competition protection in individual Central and South-East European countries, describes development trends of these institutions and their rapprochement to regulations, being effective in developed market economies (EU). Within the context of development policy of competitive environment the issues of anti-monopoly regulation are examined, a tentative to assess the effectiveness of the aforesaid activities is undertaken. The set of research papers provides an essay of contemporary phase of reforms relating to natural monopolies in individual Central and South-East European states.

The Development of Small Entrepreneurship in Central and East European Countries. Editor-in-chief Z.Kuznetsova. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005.
The set of papers offered to the readers’ attention examine the issues of small entrepreneurship formation in Central and East European countries at complex stage of system political and economic transformation. By the example of individual CEE states, the studies so embraced in the volume, examine development problems and issues of small business state support; the analysis of barriers and perspectives of small entrepreneurship under conditions of economic globalization is also provided.

Vernikov A. Foreign Banks in Transition Economies: A Comparative Analysis. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2005, 304 p.
This monograph examines the activities of foreign banks in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Russia and CIS, namely the scope of presence, main ways of market penetration, types of strategy, and impact on the transition towards a market economy. Macroeconomic effects are measured through the depth of financial intermediation, volumes and directions of lending within the framework of industrial policies, household savings’ mobilization, and banking system stability. We try to assess the effects from the presence of foreign operators on bank efficiency, institutional changes, genesis of a national corporate governance model, competition enhancement and demonopolization of the banking industry. An overview of the theoretical, political and regulatory setups is also provided. We conclude by formulating essential lessons from various transition economies and their applicability to Russia for the sake of national banking system improvement and consolidation.


Asia - 2003: East Asian Region and Russia.Ed.by M.E.Trigubenko. Moscow, 2004. 8,5 quires.
The immediate research paper of the Centre for the Asian studies (these papers have been published annually since 1997) presents an elaborated microeconomic analysis with respect to the East Asian countries in 2003 (China, Vietnam, Mongolia, North Korea), Russia's foreign economic connections with the indicated countries, as well as of new tendencies in regional financial integration, in North Korea nuclear problem solution. The paper is based upon the current sources and will be of interest for the academic audience, state structures and businessmen.

Bykov A.N. Challenges of Globalization and Perspectives of the Eurasian Integration (Questions of the Russian Foreign Economic Strategy). Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. 5,2 quires

The author of the report on the basis of challenges of globalization and connected with it general liberalization and regionalization tries to present his vision of problems of the foreign economic policy of Russia in respect of the CIS and other countries in a new unfavourable for it geopolitical and geoeconomic situation after the collapse of the USSR and Eastern bloc, following hasty rash market reforms, still unsuccessful attempts to create a firm integrational community of the post-Soviet space as well as outlines strategical possibilities of a wide Eurasian integration and transcontinental cooperation capable to strengthen as he believes Russian position and role in the regional and global economic development.
The report is started with a short characteristic of globalization and regionalization of the contemporary world economy, connected with them contradictions and of influence of these processes on economic development of Russia and CIS countries, as well ad disasterous results and consequences of Russian market reforms and their negative influence on its foreign economic ties, especially on cooperation with CIS countries.
Further it is examined the difficult process of creating an integrational community in the framework of the CIS and the role of Russia in its development, in overcoming disintegrational processes in the CIS, supported to a considerable degree by the West opposing any CIS integration under the Russian aegis. Then the progress of the CIS integration is characterized in total as well as on subregional basis with examining main subregional grouppings and their perspectives.
A significant attention is dedicated to still prevailing bilateral ties of Russia with other CIS countries, their joint ventures and mutual financial relations, necessary improvements in these fields.
Special chapters of the report are dedicated to the actual measures of perfection of foreign economic policy of Russia in respect of different groups of countries and in general for current period and for perspective in two scenarios for possible good and bad situations at home and on world market. A special chapter is dedicated to Russia-EU relations both now and in perspective in view of expected enlargement of the EU and creating with it a common economic space, to Russian role in European development.
As a strategic target for Russian foreign economic policy and as a possible common aim for the CIS community the author considers perspectives and preconditions for formation of the Eurasian integration and development of connected with it a wide transcontinental cooperation between Europe and Asia with a special role in it of Russia as a leading Eurasian power with active participation in this epothal enterprise of all interested countries and integrational grouppings both of the East and the West.
In the final part together with general conclusions some author's considerations are presented on future trends in world situation in view of new geopolitic and socio-economic realities and challenges as well as some conceptions concerning Russian role in transformational processes in the last and new age as to regional and global developments.

Gerbova A.A. External Economic Relations of Mongolia under Transition to Market Economy (Late 90ss - Beginning of XXI Century). Moscow, 2004.

The monograph sums up Mongolia's experience in reforming its external economic relations in the course of transition to an open market economy. The author analyses the increased role of external economic relations in the process of structural adjustment of national economy of Mongolia during the years of market transformations. It examines at the macrolevel the course of external economic relations reform, and the prospects of their future development.
The monograph gives an in-depth analysis of the role played by international economic aid and foreign direct investments in Mongolian economy. International financial organizations and industrially developed countries came to be major creditors of Mongolia after the former USSR suspended its assistance to this country. It also examines the role of foreign business in restructuring the Mongolian economy, the importance of organization and stimulation of foreign investments influx.
The problems concerning liberalization of foreign trade and the specific monetary policy in Mongolia are dealt with at length in the monograph. During the years of market transformations new legislation basis was created for the liberalization of external economic activity, including law on foreign investments, law on legal entities, law on custom tariffs, etc. Monetary reform constitutes on important part of external economic relations liberalization. The regulation of the currency rate was a complicated matter in the Mongolian economic restructuring.
The current state of Mongolian trade and economic cooperation with Russia is analyzed in detail. In spite of a significant decrease of bilateral cooperation in the 90ss, Russia still remains one of the major partners for Mongolia. New ways for future extension of Mongolian - Russian economic ties are envisaged. In the view of the author they may include increased joint - venture activity, stimulation of trans-border regional cooperation, development of export-oriented economic sector. The author used up-to-date information sources in Russian, Mongolian and English.

Housing Reform as a Problem of the Social Policy. Ed. by T.V.Chubarova. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. 7,4 quires

This set of papers embraces articles giving an analysis of a wide range of problems related to housing policy formation and the course of housing and communal services reform in Russia. The experience of housing sector reform in foreign countries is examined. A special attention is paid to the role of state in the present-day solution of the housing problem, including methods of supplying poorly secured strata of the population with adequate housing.

Luchkina L.S. Housing in Transitional Economies. Ed. by T.V.Chubarova. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. 3,7 quires

The report analyses aspects of development of housing in Central and East European and GIS countries and the Baltic states during the transition period. The changes are discussed against the background of the post war period and are compared with the Soviet housing policy and recent Russian initiatives. The qualitative and quantitative parameters of the housing stock are evaluated. The special emphasis is laid on the development of communal services as one of the main elements of housing policy. Attention is also given to major trends in housing construction and formation of housing market.
The report is based on extensive use of housing statistics as reported by the national governments and international organizations as well as research data and national periodicals. Where possible, comparative data is provided. The report also contains methodological commentary to explain some of statistical indicators used.

Problems of the Post-Soviet Countries.Issue 6: Economic Space of the EurAsEC: Factors and Limits of Integration. Ed. by L.B.Vardomsky. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. 12,0 quires

The sixth issue of the collection «Problems of the post-Soviet countries» is devoted to the Euro-Asiatic economic community. This work is the result of a two-year research conducted at the Centre of the CIS and Baltic countries of the IffiPS RAS sponsored by the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation «The integral economic space of the EurAsEC: factors and features of formation», N 03-02-00183a. The supervisor of the study is Dr. Sc. Econ. L.B. Vardomsky.
Together with its predecessor - the Customs Union - the EurAsEC has existed already nearly ten years. One of the main tasks advanced by this regional organization is gradual formation of the integral economic space of its member countries. But how much realistic is this task? By now out of great number of regional groupings only the EU has succeeded in creating such a space.
It is necessary to emphasize that contemporary conditions of the activities and development of the EurAsEC in essence differ from the conditions of the beginning of 1995 when the Customs Union - the predecessor of the EurAsEc - appeared and appreciably differ from the conditions of 2000 when the agreement of creation of the Community was signed. This compels us to look at the fate of this organization in the light of the problems which it is able to solve in the interests of the member-countries.
In the articles places in the collection different aspects of the activities of the Community, the history of its formation are considered. The nature of the difficulties appearing when the decisions aimed at intensification of cooperation are adopted and carried out is explained. The authors investigate economic and geopolitical interests of the member countries as well as their interests in the field of national security. Correlation of these interests for the years of existence of the organization has substantially changed.
Considerable attention is devoted to other regional groupings which can be regarded as competitive to the EurAsEC. Their activities as the conducted research shows partly are duplicated, partly complement each other.
In the publications there is not given an definite answer to the question what will happen to the EurAsEC in the nearest years, but are discussed widely enough the problems objectively restraining development of this grouping and integration of its economic space. We hope that the collection will be of great interest for a wide circle of readers.

Russia and Central-Eastern Europe: Transformations at the Turn of the 21st Century.Ed. by I.I.Orlik. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. 19,0 quires

In the framework of "Russia and Central-Eastern Europe" project, a group of HEPS RAS researchers continues to investigate the main transformation problems faced by post-socialist countries, as well as problems of relations between Russia and the states of Central-Eastern Europe.
The authors of the volume focus on the principal trends in economic and political changes occurred in Russia and CEE countries at the close of the 20th and the onset of the 21st century, the difficulties and consequences, the international aspects, and the formation of a new environment for the development of relations between Russia and the European post-socialist states.
Extensive information and analytical fundament help present the modern state and likely prospects of transformations on the post-socialist space, their common features and the specifics of every single country. Members of the staff of the editorial board are: Dr. (Hist.) N.I.Bukharin, Dr. (Econ.) S.P.Glinkina, Dr. (Geogr.) N.V.Kulikova, Dr. (Hist.) I.I.Orlik (as managing editor). L.Y.Perevezentseva and T.G.Feit were in charge of auxiliary scientific work.
The research was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities (Grant 020200034A).

Sedov S.A. New Forms of Risks Distribution: From Macroeconomics to Banking Sector. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2004. 2,1 quires

In the report there is made an attempt to analyse the sequencing and coordination of reforms of national financial market from the point of view of an integrated approach to risk management during the above mentioned reforms. The analysis results display that the hierarchy structure of a financial market reflects the complexity of risks in each level and the interlinkages among segments of the market. On the basis of this hierarchy, a sequencing of measures to develop national financial market and to minimize both macro-economic and financial risks is proposed in the report. Foreign investments can not be used as a substitute for internal institutional and market reforms. International capital market only complements and supports to the development of national financial market. In the report it is also pointed out that domestic institutional investors are critical to market development and to related inevitable risks transfer.
In the concluding part of the report there are examples of alternative risk transfer programs both for corporation and financial institutions, including bankers blanket bond and directors' and officers' liability insurance.


Agrarian Reform in CEE Countries and Russia. Ed. by G.I.Shmelyov. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. 18 quires.
For the first time in Russian economic science, a generalized review is given of a more than a decade-long experience of market transformation in East European countries' and Russian agricultural-industrial complex.
The analysis of the land reform, the making of new types of agricultural production units, market mechanisms, the specificity of price, financial and credit policy, methods of state support for national producers, are topical in the paper. The authors research into the impact of reform on the dynamics and efficiency of agricultural production, and social outcomes of agrarian transformation. Special attention is paid to problems of the countries' food security, the perspective of developing national agro-industrial complexes under conditions of regional and world economic integration.
In working on the paper, legal documents enacted in the countries, vast information and analytical materials from scientific and press publications of individual countries, those of international financial organizations, have been made use of.

Bogomolov O.T. Reflections on the Vital. Moscow, Economics,2003. 15 quires

The author proposes his vision of urgent problems related to Russian reforms and their alternative solutions. The assessment is given to Russian reforms from the standpoint of Russian and American experts. The economy-policy correlation issues in transitional Russia are examined. Special attention is paid to new international realities, economic globalization problem in the 21st century.

Bogomolov O. T. The Anatomy of Global Economy. Moscow, International Publishing Centre "Academkniga",2003. 13,5 quires

The book contains comprehensive analysis of world economic operation. Theoretical analysis is supported by rich factual and statistical data. New features of economic life internationalization, inherent in globalization epoch, are characterized, international trade, pricing mechanisms at world market, international currency and credit relations are revealed. A special attention is paid to global economic problems: energy, food, transport and ecological. Separate chapters are devoted to Russia's place in world economy and to issues related to international economic order.

Delyusin L. Den Syaopin and the Reformation of Socialism in China. Moscow, Muravei Press, 2003. 13 quires

The monograph examines the formation and realization process of reform policy, as well as openness policy. The author devotes a special attention to the ideological struggle within the Chinese Communist Party concerning methods and targets of socio-economic transformations and their correlation with Mao Tsedun's and Marxist-Leninist ideas.

Deryabina M.A. Peculiarities of Emerging Corporate Structures in Russian Defense and Industrial Complex (DIC).Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. 2,0 quires.

The report provides an analysis of current tendencies in state policy related to defense branches of Russian economy: the limitation of state ownership and state control, privatization of abundant assets, emerging big federal vertically integrated defense companies in accordance with key kinds of final products. The processes of organizational integration in special DIC's branches, both from above (by the state's initiative), and from "below" (to provide for the interests of defense companies) are being analyzed. Particular attention is given to part and role of private capital in DIC restructuring. The report is prepared on the basis of latest publications in respectable Russian business editions, with financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Academic Foundation (project N 03-02-00114à).

Frumkin B.Ye. (in co-authorship).Rosja - 2002: raport z transformacji. Warszawa, Instytut Wschodni, 2003. 5,0 quires

The study provides analysis of economic and political transformations in Russia during 1999-2002.

Globalization: Problems and Perspectives of Russia's Development. Moscow, International Higher School Press, 2003. 21 quires

The collected essays consider various aspects of Russia's involvement into the developing globalization processes. The problems connected to the necessity of adaptation of Russia's legal system to globalization requirements are examined. A special attention is focused on problems of forming a new international relations system and Russia's part in this system.

Grinberg R.S. Economic Conversations. Moscow, Alexander Mel'nikov Press, 2003. 7 quires

The book examines Russian economic problems. The role of state is assessed within the context of Russia's exit to sustainable growth trajectory and to strengthening its positions in world economy. The results of the CIS decennial existence are reckoned up. The essence and possible consequences of tax reform and currency liberalization in Russia are examined.

Grinberg R.S. Rational Conduct of the State. Moscow: ISEPRESS, 2003. 12,2 quires

This book is the third part of the study within the framework of elaborated universal theory of social economy. The first two chapters of the study have been presented in the monographs "Economic sociodynamics" (R. Grinberg, A. Rubinstein, 2000) and "Structure and evolution of social interest" (A. Rubinstein, 2003). In the present study, an attempt is undertaken to examine the theoretical bases and practical aspects of state activity in societal economic life. The study reveals principles of state's rational behavior; the evolution of economic ideas is presented from the standpoint of new theoretical approaches to state participation in economic processes regulation, foreign experience of such participation is examined by the example of structural and anti-inflationary policy.

Macroeconomic Indicators in Transition Economies in 2002. Comparative Characteristics. Ed. by S.V.Kolchin. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. 7,5 quires.

This report is the seventh paper of the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies (1IEPS) Russian Academy of Sciences research report series. It analyses macroeconomic developments in transition economies of Central and Eastern European countries and some members of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the year 2002. The main investigation directions include practically all the leading spheres of a national economy: general macroeconomic developments, monetary, exchange rate and fiscal policies, investment activities, external trade. The particular feature of this publication is the integral quantitative estimation of transformation results (based on the HEPS Index calculated by the Center for macroeconomic studies). The special chapter is dedicated to the analysis of macroeconomic developments in Russia.

Russia and Countries of Central and South-East Europe: Mutual Relationships at the Onset of the 21st Century. Ed.by I.I.Orlik. Moscow, IIEPSS RAS, 2003. 14 quires.

The monograph highlights the main trends in political and economic relations between Russia and the Central and South-East European countries at the onset of the 21st century. It sets forth the research project which purpose is to analyze shifts in Russia's relationships with 'post-socialist" countries over more than a decade. In this sense, the monograph is a continuation of the 1992-2002 publication series. The two introductory chapters expose the basic transformation features and some trends in the framework of the Central-East European region's new approach towards relations with Russia. All country chapters examine vast information and analytical data on today's state and eventual prospects of Russia's relationships with countries of the above region.

Vakhrameev A.V., Kuleshov S.G. Russia's National Security (Declarations and Reality). Moscow, Vuzovskaya kniga, 2003. 16,25 quires

The book considers topical problems, related to current RF national security situation. The authors aspire to show that the Russian leadership's intentions related to this sphere don't always match its practical realization. The authors also put forward some proposals in their view designed to contribute to strengthening the country's national security.

Zevin L.Z. Multi-Level Economic Structures in the Global Processes: Peculiarities of Interaction.Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2003. 4,8 quires

The report deals with the peculiarities of interaction between economic structures of various development levels in the epoch of globalization. Despite the widely spread opinion of unconditional domination of unifying trends one can see a parallel process of fragmentation (during the last four decades the number of national economic systems doubled, uneven development of global processes themselves is intensifying, divergence of interests between the actors of sub- and regional levels and the players on the global field is widening, etc.). Under such conditions the estimate of economic efficiency becomes a very complicated matter, and national economic systems cannot depend on global efficiency criteria only. Obviously, it is necessary to search for an optimal balance of interests among the actors of several levels-enterprise (company), national economic systems and larger structures (sub- and regional groupings) taking thereby into account prices and conditions of the world markets and the impact of numerous international economic and financial organizations. Of late various public movements (environmentalists, reduction of poverty, struggle against international narcotic traffic and terrorism, etc.) produce a growing impact on this sphere too.
The necessity to apply efficiency criteria of several levels makes the picture of country economic systems's participation in the world economy very complicated. The typical pattern of intensifying relations with the outer territories for small countries is to integrate into world economy and be guided by the global efficiency criteria. Large countries and integration groupings use another pattern of participation in global processes: they interact with, and adapt to them, thus not only undergoing their influences but producing a certain impact on the latters as well.
The most unyielding discussions in the context of globalization centre on the role of state in the economic activities. This research came to the conclusion that the position of those, who speak of weakening the state, is not well-grounded: some state's functions in the economic life of society are really dying off while it acquires many new functions as a reaction to massive global challengers.
The study is carried out under the auspices of the Russian Foundation of Humanity, project N 01-02-00137a.


Central and East European Countries on the way to the EU. Executive editor Kulikova N.V. Moscow, Nauka, 2002. 12,0 quires
The monograph examines the problems of EU expansion eastwards and its consequences for trade and economic relations of Central and East European countries with Russia. The basic stages of drawing the regions' countries into European integration and impact of EU accession on transformation of their economic systems, liberalization of foreign economic activity and shaping of its priority directions have been analyzed. The account of general problems relating to the CEE countries' participation in European integration is supplemented with study of the basic directions, perspectives and opportunities for their bilateral relations with Russia.

Chubarova T.V., Grigorieva N.S. Gender Approach to Health Care. A textbook. Moscow, Alpha Print, 2002. 8,2 quires

For the first time in domestic science the gender approach is applied in the school-book to the analysis of the population's health and to policy in the field of public health.

Dashichev V. Moskaus Griff nach der Weltmacht. Die bittern Fruechte hegemonialer Politik. Hamburg, Mittler Verlag E.S.& Sohn GmbH, 2002.

The monograph examines the Soviet hegemonic policy in Europe and the world, that engendered the Cold War and further "East-West" confrontation. In this context the situation of East European countries, as well as German unification is considered.

Evstigneev R. (in collaboration). Theoretical Issues of Economic Transformation in Russia. Issue 4. Academic Papers. Moscow, MNIIPU, 2002.12 quires

This book examines synergetic aspects of Russia' market transformation, which, in authors' view, could be most matching current requirements of domestic economy.

Glinkina S. The Problems of Russian Capital Flight and Ways for its Repatriation into the Russian Economy. Moscow, National Investment Council, 2002. 3 quires

The study examines terms, assessment methods, causes and motives for capital flight from Russia; the ways of repatriation and effective use of this capital in Russia's economy, as stipulated in Russia's academic literature.

Heifets B.A. Solution of Debt Problems. World Experience and Russia's Reality. Moscow, Academkniga, 2002. 23,0 quires

The monograph encompasses theoretical and practical aspects of debt problem. A great attention is devoted to state debt theory, to the impact exerted by financial globalization, especially to new aspects, as emerged after the 1997-1998 crises wave, to modern tendencies in world financial infrastructure improvement. By Russia's example, the author examines the specifics of the medium development level economy, operating under conditions of drawing considerable resources on foreign debts repayment, the history of Soviet and Russian debts emergence, as well as issues of off-loading Russia's foreign financial assets.

Lisichkin G.S. A Trap for Reformers. Moscow, Akademkniga, 2002. 11,0 quires

The monograph examines essential directions and socio-economic consequences of Russia's market reforms in the last decade and outlines tendencies for development of this process.

Nekipelov A. On the concept of Economic Transformations in Russia. Moscow, Economics, 2002.

This work offers a complex of measures, required to remove distortions in Russian economic system; it formulates requirements to economic policy, directed to modernization of the country's economy.

Romanenko S.A. Yugoslavia, Russia and the Slavonic Idea: Mid 19 th - Early 21st Century. Moscow, Institute for Law and Public Policy, 2002. 39,0 quires

The monograph is devoted to the history of the Russian Empire's, USSR and the Russian Federation relationship with South Slavonic national movements and independent states. The internal reasons for the CPSU and CUYu (The Communists' Union of Yugoslavia) failure and both states' dissolution are revealed. The study is based upon wide factual data from Russian and foreign sources.

Russia and Central Europe in the New Geopolitical Realities. (IV International Scientific Conference Papers, Moscow, June 14-16, 2001), 2002. 23,25 quires

More than hundred scientists and politicians from Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Finland, Austria, Germany, Italy, USA took part in the IV international scientific conference "Russia and Central Europe in the New Geopolitical Realities", organised by the Institute of International Economic and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( director - academician Alexander Nekipelov, head of the project - Dr. Lyuba Shishelina) in cooperation with the Institute of the National Strategy of Reforms ( director - Dr. Sergey Baburin), RAS Centre on the Study of Balkan Crisis (director - Dr. Elena Gusjkova). Significant representation could be explained by success of the preceding conferences, which are being held in Moscow once in two years since January 1995. Sponsor of the project is Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation. Main sponsor of the IV conference had been National Investment Council. Changes in international and inner political situation in our regions predetermined the priorities for discussion at the IV Conference. This time discussion had been focused around five items:
  • geopolitical consequences of disintegration of the USSR;
  • globalisation and regionalism - main tendencies of contemporary world politics and economics;
  • Russia's foreign policy priorities in Central Europe and post - USSR space;
  • East-Central Europe: problems of balancing "eastern" and "western" directions of foreign policy;
  • comparative analysis of political and economic reforming in East-Central Europe and USSR - successor states.
All the topics were presented by very interesting reports and followed by the argumented and very acute discussion. Unfortunately we did not manage to present here all dramatism of the arguments presented by proponents of the opposite points of view upon the discussed problems, but we are sure that our readers will gain an impulse to write to us and, thus, to continue the discussion in our magazine "International Dialogue", coming out twice a year.
Transparent Borders. Security and International Cooperation within the Belt of New Russian Borders.Ed. by L.B.Vardomsky, S.V.Golunova. Ìoscow, Volgograd, 2002. 24 quires.
The collective monograph is an outcome of inter-regional research project "Security of new Russian borders", carried out in the period from September, 2001 till June, 2002 on the basis of the Centre of regional and trans-border studies of Volgograd State University, with support of Research and educational forum for international relations.

Vardomsky L., Skatertschikova E. Russian Regions' Foreign Economic Activities (Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions). Moscow, ARKTI, 2002. 20 quires

The study provides analysis of problems related to foreign economic activity regulation at federal and regional levels and its impact on the process of "opening" Russia's economy.


Bykov A.N. Globalization and Regionalization in Light of Russian Interests and Integration Perspectives in Euro-Asian Space.Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001.3,0 quires
The present report deals with the problems of globalisation and liberalisation as well as regionalisation of the world economy in the context of Russian interests and integration processes on the Eurasian space with an active participation in them of Russia.
The first part is dedicated to characterizing globalisation as a new stage of internationalisation connected with intensification of financial and economic interstate ties, stimulated by technological progress, global prevailing of the model of an open market economy, collapse of the bipolar world, a parallel development of regionalisation of the international market which contradicts with the essence of globalisation dividing the latter by different groupings.
The second part deals with complicated interrelations between Russia and its market reforms and an impact on them of the West and international financial institutions, connected with them problems and contradictions.
In the third part desintegration and integration processes on the post-Soviet area are examined, as well as difficulties and possibilities involved, the role of new Russia in these processes, the structure of regional and subregional formations on the above area.
The fourth part is dedicated to perspectives and prerequisites of a wide and efficient East-West transcontinental cooperation on the Eurasian space through Russian territory with optimal involvement in it of Russia as a leading Eurasian power together with its immense natural resources, technological and industrial possibilities, transit facilities, as well as resources and facilities of other interested CIS and neigbouring countries both in the East and in the West.
Further the author examines tasks and preconditions for formation of an optimal model of economic development in Russia, diversification of its export potential with the orientation on transition to a post-industrial era and stimulation of the above transcontinental cooperation.
In the short final part he presents his own vision of the Russian historic role as well as perspectives of global social and economic development, its new criteria and theoretical principles.

Changes in Socio-Economic Situation and Households Behavior in Transition Economies. Editor-in-Chief Degtyar L.S. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001.6,3 quires.

The collection of articles presents a multifaceted analysis of the process of adaptation of Russian population to the changing environment at micro level - formation and use of household budgets. Based on materials of household expenditures surveys in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and China the study discusses structure and dynamics of household expenditures.
It addresses the issue of international comparisions and an attempt is made to highlight general tendencies as well as national specifics of social and economic behaviour of household in the course of transformation. The emphasis is made on comparing income and expenditure structures of households in Russia with other countries, including Western ones.

Heifets B.A. Russia's Credit History: From Catherine II to Putin. Ìoscow, Editorial URSS, 2001. 136 pp.

In the study, on the basis of vast factual data the peculiarities of tsarist Russia, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia's policy for foreign financial resources formation and foreign debt service are examined. Special attention is devoted to the relaxation perspectives of current Russian economy's debt dependence. The study is written in bright language, making it available not only to experts, but also a wide range of readers, interested in these problems.

Heifets B.A. Russia's Foreign Debt Assets. Ìoscow, Editorial URSS, 2001. 208 pp.

The monograph examines the issues of foreign states' debt emergence and (debt) recovery to Russia. The historic facts related to formation of foreign financial assets are covered, as well as the peculiarities of current assets disposal practice and debt repayment problems related to far and near abroad states. A great attention is devoted to issues of Parisian club mechanisms application and new ideas for using assets so as to facilitate foreign debt burden and for Russia's prospective policy of foreign states' crediting.

Kolchin S.V.Development of the Russian Oil and Gas Complex: the Preconditions and Prospects. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001.10,2 quires

The book covers the current problems of the development of the key economic sector - the oil and gas complex, which modern Russia faces. It outlines "the limited conditions", i.e. initial preconditions and prospects of further development of this major sector of the national economy. The author bases on his great experience in researches in the area including both, development of theoretical, conceptual researches, and his participation in the practical projects of program situation modeling in concrete petroleum and gas companies, as well as in rural regions of Russia, monitoring of processes in the oil and gas complex of the country.
The analysis of initial conditions of the development and forecasts are based on realities of the economic situation inside the country and positions of Russia in the world market of fuel.
The work is designed for a wide range of people engaged in researches in the field of economy, especially, concerning to subjects of development of the oil and gas industry.

Macroeconomic Indicators in Transition Economies in 2000: Comparative Characteristics. Ed. by S.V.Kolchin.Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001.8,6 quires

This report is the continuation of the Center for macroeconomic studies of Institute for International Economic and Political Studies (HEPS) Russian Academy of Sciences research reports series. The first two publication in these series were called "Macroeconomic indices in transition economies in 1999" and "Macroeconomic indices in transition economies in the first half of the year 2000 with the forecast for the year 2000 (comparative analysis)". Current report analyses macroeconomic developments in transition economies of Central and Eastern European countries and some members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the year 2000.
The main investigation directions include practically all the leading spheres of a national economy: general macroeconomic developments, monetary, exchange rate and fiscal policies, investment activities, social and external trade developments. The special features of this publication are the institutional changes in transition economies and integral quantitative estimation of transformation results (based on the HEPS Index calculated by the Center for macroeconomic studies).

Population in Transforming Society: Demographic Processes and Problems. Ed. by I.A.Malakha. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001. 5,0 quires.

The set of papers is prepared in the outcome of "round table" within the framework of realizing research project "External and internal migration of the population and economic security problem", conducted in the IIEPS RAS in November, 2000. The collected articles provide analysis of certain burning development problems of Russia's population, including depopulation problem, the specificity of migratory processes in post-Soviet space. The collected articles embrace the one devoted to Vietnam's development during the last decade, as well as a research in current upheavals in the international flows of migrants' money orders. The set of papers is prepared with financial support of Russian humanitarian research foundation (grant N 00-02-00331à).

Problems of the Emerging Labor Market in Transition Economies (the Central-East European Countries' Experience).Editor-in-Chief Degtyar L.S. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001.5,8 quires.

The collection of articles provides a comprehensive analysis ñ experience of countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the field ñ regulation of the labour markets. The authors stress the importance î employment policy as a first priority instrument to solve the mo: acute problems of transition period (unemployment, poverty, sock exclusion). The studies presented in the collection analyse the struc ture of employment by industry, describe passive and active meas ures to help unemployed, as well as provides a comparative analysi of the systems of unemployment benefits in developed countries an transitional economies. The experience of East Germany is used t demonstrate the successful ways of preventing mass scale unem ployment under the conditions of the active liberation of labou force. The book touches upon the issue of informal employment ii the transition countries. As a result some conclusions and recommen dations for the Russian policy makers are offered.

Sedov S.A. Attracting Foreign Investments by Securities Issue. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2001. 3,4 quires.

Both the reproductive process overstepping national borders and internationalization of economic life conditioned by the regularities of the world development of productive forces determine the contemporary type of capital migration, the essence of global processes. Thorough analysis of the capital migration process under the conditions of financial markets globalization and prevailing of investment banking activity may become one of the fundamentals to determine the priority forms for the Russian foreign and domestic policy.
In the report there is made an attempt to analyse possibility to raise foreign investment by means of the step-by-step advance of the Russian enterprises to the global securities market in the environment of the legislation in force, the existing infrastructure and the level of the national economy development. The preconditions of the analysis are defined in the first section. The obstacles to raise investments for Russia are revealed. In the second section there is made a brief survey of the Russian historic experience in foreign investments raising and that of the outcome for the national economy development. In the third section there is considered a possibility for the Russian enterprises to advance to the global capital markets under the following terms: the majority of the Russian enterprises pass from the problems caused by the privatization and by the ownership rights confirmation to the problems caused by the lack of financial sources; the national capital market is limited relatively to the corresponding demand. The author presents the concept of the step-by-step advance of the Russian enterprises to the global capital market by means of issuing of different types of securities.


Bogomolov O.T. My Chronicle of the Transition Period. Ìoscow, Economics, 2000. 23 quires.
The book by well-known Russian scientist, academician Oleg T. Bogomolov presents pages from the transitional period history, a sort of chronicle of economic and social alarms and hopes, dramatic changes of the passed years, which have been engraved in press, speeches, statements and considerations. Oleg T. Bogomolov is a participant of many events, that exerted a significant impact on our reality. The author shares his perception and assessment of the transitional period events.

Glinkina S.P. The Private Sector Formation in Post-Socialist Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, "Epicon", 2000. 10,8 quires.

This monograph is a study of the creation of a private sector in the economies of the post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).A comparative analysis is applied to the models of privatization of state enterprises implemented in the CEE and Russia. The main methods of creating private capital based on the privatization of financial resources are described. The dynamics, fundamental problems and methods of stimulating the growth of a self-sustaining private sector are discussed. The shadow economy, its genesis and growth are treated in the analysis of the transformation of property relations as a component of the privatization process. Several socio-economic consequences of the privatization of post-socialist economies are addressed. The creation of new ownership structures and the motivations and strategies they create for new owners are a subject of particular concern, raising the question of assessing the transaction costs of privatization.
Proceeding from an analysis of initial endowments, privatization models and subjects, the mechanisms of subsequent concentration of capital, ownership, and control in the CEE countries and Russia, enables us to understand the causes of many of the problems with which Russian society is currently confronted and trace paths toward overcoming the crisis in which the country finds itself.
We hope that this monograph will be of use to office-holders and others responsible for the elaboration and implementation of social and economic policy in Russia.

Key Aspects of Industrial Development in the CIS Countries. Ed. by V.A.Gubarev.Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 10,6 quires.

This collection of papers is a study of the problems related to the making and practical implementation of industrial policy during the last decade of market transformation in countries which constitute the Community of independent states (CIS).
The CIS countries have accumulated both positive and negative experience in transforming their economies in the years of their independent evolution. However, in analysing the development of industry and the practical application of the previously elaborated course of its improvement, modernisation and adjustment to market economy, we have, as a rule, to do with negative outcomes in the majority of the CIS countries. Accordingly, in these papers we make an attempt to analyse why the implementation of the developmental strategy for industrial complexes has not been efficient enough, to single out the most important and efficacious elements of industrial policy which may be acceptable for the CIS countries.
In this collection of papers both general theoretical aspects of industrial policy applied in transforming economies and issues of its making and implementation in individual branches of industry are researched. These problems are analysed from the point of view of how integrational trends in the framework of the CIS as well as economic and organisational prerequisites for mutually advantageous macro- and microlevel cooperation between the countries' economic subjects may be reinforced. On this basis, conclusions and practical recommendations are substantiated which may contribute to the resolution of analogical problems relevant both to the CIS countries' and to Russia's real economy.

Knyazev Yu.K. Slovenia's Economic Phenomenon and its Significance. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 4,6 quires

This paper is a product of the author's studies on the problems of Slovenia economic development during eight years of its independ ence. The report finds out peculiarities of the country's moving to democracy and market economy which are consequences of historic conditions of the rise of this new European State and the following foundation in Slovenia of the most successful social and economic model among all postsocialist countries.
Impressive results of economic development and successive,; but unforced, market reforms give reasons to speak about an economic phenomenon of Slovenia that has become a welfare State within a short lapse of time.
Analysis of Slovenian topics gave the author opportunity to state his opinion about some live theoretic issues.

Lenchuk E. Science in the CIS Countries (Byelarus', Kazakhstan, Ukraine).Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 4,6 quires.

The present report dials with the problems of the development of science in the CIS countries in the transitional period. The author concentrates the attention on the analysis of the R&D sphere in such countries as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus. The choice was not made accidentally because these countries have the biggest scientific and technological potential among the all CIS countries. The analysis of the present-day situation and of the perspectives of the scientific development in this countries is of the special interest of Russia from the point of view restoration of the development of the international scientific relations on an new economic bases and providing conditions for the creation of a single scientific and technological space.
In the present scientific report, substantially for the first time during the postsocialist period, made an attempt to carry out a com-prehensives analysis and systematization of the measures implemented by the leadership of the CIS countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus) in the sphere of R&D, to inventory of the some individual components of their national scientific and technological potential, of the system of the international scientific relations. On the base of the analysis of the ongoing processes in this particular sphere general regularities and national peculiarities in the scientific and technological development on this countries are shown.

Macroeconomic Indicators in Transition Economies in 1999. Ed. by S.V.Kolchin. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 5,0 quires

This research is carried out by Center of Macroeconomic Research of Institute for International Economic and Political Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (HEPS RAS), and comprises the analysis of macroeconomic developments in Central and Eastern European countries in 1999. It also contains the retrospective developments for the thorough realization of current processes.
The investigation embraces the main economic spheres in countries under consideration: monetary, social and external. There is a general analysis of main macroeconomic indicators. A special chapter is dedicated to the Baltic countries, which are less touched in the investigations on economic transformation.
The Center plans to publish such reports twice in a year -containing the results of the previous year and the first half of the current year with prognosis for the end of the current year.

The Problems of Post-Soviet Countries. Issue N 1. Ed. by L.B. Vardomsky. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 8,0 quires

Nearly nine years have passed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Despite cultural and technological similarities, an economic and structural interdependence created over many decades, the continuing role of the Russian language as a means of international communication, and bonds of intermarriage and relationship between populations living in now sovereign countries, disintegrative tendencies seem to predominate in the post-Soviet region. Relations between many of the new governments are darkened by sharp contradictions.
They arise from various causes and are frequently of an objective character. However, no small role in the disunity within this previously united region is played by subjective factors, questions of mutual self-perception among new governments and their understanding of their place within a rapidly changing world.
To improve mutual understanding and create policies based on partnership and trust, a better understanding of one another's interests and problems is required. To this end, the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences proposes the publication of a series of volumes dedicated to articles addressing the problems of post-Soviet countries.
The current volume, presenting work by scholars from Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, and Russia introduces the series. The articles offer authorial positions which acquaint the reader with the range of contemporary problems in the development of post-Soviet countries. We hope this volume will be of interest to a broad circle of readers and make a small contribution to broadening cooperation within the former Soviet region.

The Russian-German Relations and European Security. Ed. by B.A.Shmelyov. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 9,6 quires.

Different aspects of the Russian - German relationship, common and different approaches towards tlieir foreign policy interests are considered in this volume. It is pointed out that the cooperation between Russia and Germany promotes the maintenance of the European security.

Trigubenko M.E., Neelova T.A., Levchenko G.Y.Problems of Korean Peninsula. Russian Diplomacy in Korea in 1998-1999. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 3,2 quires.

In this research project which was prepared by collective authors of Center for Asian Studies (IIEPS Russian Academy of Sci ences) main attention was paid into the key problems, which are very important not only for Korea and neighbor countries in North- Asia, but also for maintaining of Asian security as a whole. For few last decades Korean peninsula was the most "hot point" in Asia, which destabilized foreign-political situation, and in recent month could cause dander of possibility of beginning new war.
On key problems, devoted to problems of Korea and Êîrean interests in Korea authors had arrived to the following conclusions: - about the factors, which could guarantee maintaining internal sta bility and causing country leadership to make some changing in order to make centralized economy more open;
- about the current situation of inter-Korean relations;
- about the establishing in North-East Asia military-political union Washington-Seoul-Tokyo to contain North Korea's military provo cation;
- about the advantages for Russia after establishing more close diplo matic relation with North Korea and about the measurements to get out from the crisis in Russia-North-Korean foreign economic and trade relation;
- about reestablishing multilateral relations between Russia and Re public of Korea.

Vyatkina N., Shurubovich A. The Latest Modifications of Banking Legislation in the CIS Countries (1997-1999). Part 1. Moscow, IIEPS RAS, 2000. 2,8 quires.

The presented scientific work is devoted to analysis of major changes in the legislation of the CIS countries regulating banking activities for last 3 years (1997-1999) on basic directions. In particular there are analysed legislative regulation of the status and functions of the central banks, relations between the central banks and the governments of the Commonwealth countries as well as the prudential requirements set by the central banks for commercial banks. There is also examined regulation of privatization processes in the banking sphere, protection of deposits in commercial banks, sanation and restructurization of banks in the Commonwealth countries. A special chapter is devoted to analysis of legislative regulation of admission of foreign capital to national banking systems. There is examined the impact of the newest changes in banking legislation on both the financial sphere of the CIS countries and their economy as a whole. On the basis of analysis of the newest modifications of the banking legislation of the CIS countries and estimates of their efficiency there are given recommendations concerning the possibility of use of these countries' experience in perfection of the banking legislation of Russia.

Journal "The World of Transformations" Æóðíàë Ìèð ïåðåìåí

NewThe next issue of the Journal "The World of Transformations", 2018, N 3 is preparing to be published.

Moscow, Presidium of the RAS,
October 28-29, 2010

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